Sunday, May 02, 2010

The dual screen notebook I wish Dell would make

Recently, I was shopping for a new laptop. It was very frustrating because I realized that I was looking for something that no one else wanted. If anyone knows where I can get one of these please let me know. I mocked up some Dell graphics to illustrate my point.

Notebook laptop with a physical keyboard. Ultra high resolution graphics for reading. Pencil thin size like the Mac Air or the Dell Adamo. A 300 GB SSD hard drive so I can shake it like an etch-a-sketch.

Multitouch screen and track pad because that seems so cool. Better yet make the track pad a multitouch screen like the Apple magic mouse. When I'm in a meeting I want to close the lid and see the following.

A second multitouch screen on the top of the notebook. Tablet PCs are too awkard to flip. Give me TWO hinges. Please! The multitouch screen doesn't need to be a end all be all input area. I don't need to have the functionality of an entire desktop in this one input area. I can just flip the notebook open when I get down to serious computing. Give me a Tablet version of the Media Center PC application. Let it run on this screen. Allow me do flip though pictures, check mail, view documents, browse the browsing, watch videos, listen to music, play simple games, display power point, etc. If I need to do something more complex I will open my notebook and start working.

Is it so hard to just stick a screen on the back?